February 2nd 2023
Passport Testimony
Hi, Pastor
I've been unable to find much work, unable to start my driving lessons and get my provisional licence, I've been unable to travel, unable to do most things and just been heavily restricted because I didn't have a passport. My parents just never patterned one from I was young, and I didn't think anything of it until I hit an age where I would actually need it to make things happen and progress.
So, I applied for it in October and had to deal with multiple setbacks, and I won't go into details coz that's long but it was a back and forth issue which I finally was able to resolve in January (which really puts into perspective how long it took) then they said its gonna take up to 10 weeks for it to arrive, which is another 2 and a half months which was just not on, so I started praying and contending, I even fasted and I didn't hear back from them so I kinda just left it, subconsciously thinking it's not necessarily a spiritual matter so it's cool, it will come when it comes.
Then you preached the sermon "Reaping 100 Fold in 2023" on Wednesday just gone and I was convicted about my lack of faith so I went to the alter and prayed again and I promised God, I'm gonna wait and go with His time. I had been praying for God to do something supernatural, and make it quicker than 10 weeks and I guess He took it personally. My passport came the very next day.