May 11th 2023
Money Testimony
Hey Pastor,
Hope all is well.
From late 2021, with the plan of having another child and purchasing a home in 2022 – I knew expenses were going to be on the rise (and that wasn’t counting inflation). I needed some serious progression in my current job and salary, especially because we wanted Nicole to be able to stay at home with the kids; so, I committed this to God in prayer and started looking for my next step.
Early 2022, senior management approached me with a new internal job opening, asking me to apply for it! The job was exactly what I was looking for with plenty of room for growth! and given it was internal, it wouldn’t affect my mortgage process.
I did all the interviews, and finally for my salary expectation… I did a reverse budget – listing out all my expected expenses so Nicole can comfortably stay at home. I had the number, a 70% increase was required, which was now above the market rate for this role. Trying to be realistic, I planned to ask for the higher market rate. To which Nicole elegantly negated with “How much do we need?” and “So ask for that, God knows” and I couldn’t really argue with that.
The next week, I got the offer! I’ve got the job, but they’re unable to adjust my salary outside of the compensation cycle – so it would be reviewed in March 2023! (and this was May 2022) I realised… if I believe God can do what we prayed for, I’m going to have to turn this job down and look externally. The idea of leaving the bank was daunting, it was such a miracle to work here in the first place, and now I was going to have to leave!! So, I turned it down to their horror.
The external search slowly started, as I would now have to wait for Luca to be born and for the flat to complete before I could move jobs. I started speaking with some companies and had a few interviews – believing God for the figure above.
We’re now at Conference, Luca is here and we’re in our new flat. Each night, God put an amount on our hearts, and we obeyed. The following Wednesday I get a call…an offer with a 70% increase (and that’s just with the base salary) and better hours! Which I started in January. What a miracle! Additionally, they provide private medical care for the whole family, which has been such a blessing with Luca and his skin. (No waiting lists!)
Following all this, God challenged us with this past pledge! We have been able to give amounts monthly which would have cleared me out a few conferences ago. Through this, I believe it has given me such a favour in my new job. There were some initial challenges, but God has opened doors! It’s like my last 6 years with the previous company were preparing me for here! This month, I completed my 3-month probationary period, and last week I got a call from my manager… they’ve given me a pay rise which they’ll back-pay from February!! Unbelievable provision! We’re now at almost an 80% increase over my last job! All I can say is… God knows our needs and is faithful! He is our provider. Luke 6:38
Hope this can encourage someone!
God Bless,
James and Nicole