May 11th 2023

Money Testimony

Hi Pastor, trust that you had a blessed Cyprus trip.

I just want to share a quick testimony about God unchanging promises. He is truly our provider.

I pledged the last time you pulled a pledge without confirming with my wife.  I was at work and watching online when you pulled the pledge and God drop a figure in my heart and I prayed and said yes Lord without confirming with Shelly.

When I got home Shelly said she made a pledge which was a different amount and I told her what had happened so we decided that we will fulfil both pledges which we did. As soon as I fulfilled the pledge our mortgage went up by £650per month which was a shock to me.

I was speaking to my mortgage broker and my boss overheard our conversion.  The very next week I received a pay rise which more than cover the mortgage increase, so I just want to say that God see our faithfulness and honour it. Praise be to the God we serve.

