July 23rd 2024

Job Testimony

I want to give God all the glory and praise for His goodness and mercy. His grace and patience are constant. I'm not trying to act overly religious, but Jesus is always good. There are times in life when you wonder what is going on and why things aren’t going a certain way, but God always turns things for good if you stick by Him and His people through the highs and lows.

I went through a dark period in my life when I was promoted to a managerial role at the age of 23. I was naive and thought I had what it took, but I didn’t. I left that role as it became too much for me, and I nearly spiralled out of control. I was offered a role in HR (which is God’s grace) just a week after leaving. In this role, my managers have helped me recover from the scars of my past role and have always supported me to the point that I grew in confidence again. They always told me, “Benny, you have what it takes to work in higher roles.” I never believed it, but just a slight diversion, my wife was offered a role working from home with exactly the hours and pay we prayed for (and flexibility). During this time, although I rejoiced, I received a word from James Buzzella (of course from God). He said that next year I would receive a financial increase - a miracle financial increase - me personally.

The next year, 2024, came, and a Director joined our department, leaving his place in Liverpool for a fixed-term role here. I spoke to him regarding issues some of the staff have gone through that weren’t addressed, but he changed the conversation to me, telling me to stick around and that I have great potential (which confused me). He told me not to leave my workplace but to wait for an opportunity here. I worked and was offered an interview for a great role which I believed was mine, but I wasn’t successful and was soon discouraged again. Feelings of “I can’t do this, maybe this is my lot” filled my heart. However, after praying on this, I attended a service where the pastor mentioned that in one moment God can turn things around. So, my faith was rekindled. I prayed at the altar and said, “God, please make a way.”

The next day, a manager came into my office, voicing their frustrations to my manager about not finding a suitable candidate for a senior role. They then asked my manager if they knew anyone, and my manager said, “Nope, no one, sorry.” In my mind, I was thinking, “Oh God, please touch their heart to mention me!” And they did; they said, “Wait! Speak to Benny.” The manager spoke to me and informed me that a role would be advertised and to prepare. I prepared for the interviews in advance, got the interview, and today I was offered the job. On this same day, it was the HR director’s last day (the director who encouraged me and held meetings to guide me in my career) working here. This made me think he was sent from God because, at a time when I was discouraged, this man told me to stay, and in the next few months, I’m sure you’ll have something here.

This job is one I dreamt about since I joined my workplace at a young age. I always mentioned to my friends that this level is my dream, and although it took longer than I thought, it came at the best time, as God has done a work in my heart. I don’t view the seniority as my identity, and I see God as bigger than this role. Though I was discouraged and always thought I could never get to this point, it was in that place God blessed me and my family and stayed true to His word. God bless the church always for being there for me and my family (the church is my family truly). And thank God for His goodness to an undeserving individual.

On the Sunday just gone, Pastor Avelino preached on the wind, speaking about a revival coming and for us Christians to be ready and desperate for this. Years ago, in my previous roles, my friend Mario and I had lunch together daily at work. During those times, we would speak about life, and I told him about Christianity and being born again. He told me that he’s Catholic and believed some principles but didn’t feel convicted about certain sins. We had a great friendship, and I didn’t want to bombard him with this daily, so I stopped talking about it altogether. In my heart, I felt as if I had failed because I wanted him to be saved so badly.

Years later, we weren’t having lunch together as much due to different roles and not having the time to catch up daily. But the Monday after Pastor Avelino’s preaching, Mario texted me asking to meet at work. He mentioned that he believes he got filled with the Spirit a week before and that his mind is in a difficult place. We met at work (at lunchtime), and he told me he sees sin for what it is now. A week before, he felt an overwhelming feeling of condemnation, and all the sins he’d committed in his life filled his mind, so much so that he couldn’t eat or sleep properly. In my heart, I knew this was a miracle because all those years ago, it’s as if he couldn’t understand me, but now he knew all these things by himself without me saying a word. He said he’d lived all his life for himself, and now he just wants to live for Jesus. He started praying and reading his Bible and mentioned how disgusting sin is and that he doesn’t have the hunger for that life anymore; it disgusts him.

I told him God wants to save you, that in this moment you can be born again, and he mentioned that he knows and he’s ready. We prayed right there and then, and since then, he’s just been so bright (he even told me he was reading and praying for four hours, encouraged by the Word, and just wants to spend more time with God). Once confessing to be a Catholic and living however he wanted, he’s now saying, “How could I be saved by going to a priest when I can go to Jesus?” He’s truly transformed and mentioned he’ll come to church!

God bless.