October 10th 2023

Healing Testimony

Circa 2 weeks ago, I suffered an Achilles Tendon rupture playing football. This was an audible injury which left me unable to walk or stand on my left leg completely. I was taken to AE where they confirmed and diagnosed the injury, put my leg in a cast and sent me on my way with some crutches and follow up appointments to assess the severity and any further damage.

This injury occurred in the lead up to our annual conference week which mentally made matters worse for myself as I knew I wouldn't be able to fully immerse or enjoy the experience as I typically would, just through not being able to do basic things I typically could've (walk easily for one). The NHS informed me that I was due a Ultrasound scan on the Wednesday of conference, which in my mind gave me absolute clarity that I knew what I needed to pray for: A completely restored Achilles Tendon which could be proven by the scan.

Individually and amongst ministry / friend groups I prayed for my leg - recounting previous healing experiences I've had (hay fever most recently) knowing that the same God who'd healed me before is the same God who could heal me again. This led onto Wednesday, where I had a few men encouraged by the Ps Greg QA sessions to contend for my healing alongside me. 9:30am that morning I had my ultrasound scan, where those sweet words were said "there is no rupture in the Achilles"  - honestly at that point I was over the moon, God had healed me! Until not long after a second look again confirmed the Achilles had no rupture, however the Soleus (a muscle very similar in function to the Achilles) had been torn.
This was bitter sweet. On one hand, I had been healed of what I had prayed for & the newly found injury was slightly 'better' than what originally thought. On the other, I wasn't completely healed & still required a boot and crutches to move (still with large amounts of pain).

The rest of the conference continues & many challenged about praying for healing took time to pray with me. It was after one of the morning seminars that Ps Greg called for those who needed healing to stand. I stood in faith, no crutches! I could walk and stand with no crutches with the aid of my boot! Half a healing, I want the full. In faith I took the boot off, and whilst I could stand with slight pain, walking was too big of an ask.
Encouraged I persisted in my prayers.

The conference eventually comes to a close, and considering how I started the week -  I highly doubt any medical professional could explain the dramatic recovery my leg had made. This leads into Sunday evening service, where Ps Ayo preached and continued to make a call for those who need healing. I go to the altar relying solely on Jesus to complete the work He'd begun. In faith I take the boot off and put the crutches down (I had started using the crutches again infrequently, honestly, out of fear more then anything).

Praying & believing, I was contending for the Soleus and pain I was experiencing in my ankle to be completely restored. Ps Ayo called me to test it in faith and too my surprise I could walk freely! I could tense and extend my calf which would've caused excruciating pain previously. My soleus was healed and my ankle was 90% healed, I could feel an incredibly noticeable difference in my ability to stand and walk on it. I left that night, crutches in one hand, boot in the other - filled with absolute joy & knowing I needed to get a Drs appointment asap to confirm it all!

Monday morning I get an appointment booked, head into my local GP where the physio doctor begins to make me do some tests to assess the condition of the injury. I walked in, no boot and moving with almost normal levels of ease. She was insistent I needed to sit down and stop being so eager to show her I didn't! It was honestly quite amusing seeing how in her professional brain, this made no sense. I shouldn't have been in this 'phase' of recovery for another 8-12 weeks. After performing some tests, it was confirmed. No rupture in the Achilles, no tear in the Soleus. I had been healed.

The small bit of pain left in my ankle was due to the original rupture, it meant that the ligaments in my ankle joint were having to load more weight (which is natural she said). Weirdly, this was almost good to hear. It confirmed that she, a medical professional recognised that there was once a rupture and now there no longer is.

There is healing in one name, Jesus!